
Monday, 20 December 2010

Music Video Animatic

Untitled from Luke Darling on Vimeo.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

CD Cover Research

This is what we expected form this artist on a CD Cover.

This was a CD cover from him and what we noticed

The Soundies

Dorothy Dandridge - Zoot Suit soundie

- Classic Jazzy feel
- Mostly 1 Shot
- Basic wipes/fades
- Classic dancing sequence
- Various angles

Basic Idea / Treatment

Story of The Year - I Am Alive

Basic Story - At the start we see a mystery person only a hand or chest with blood. We then have the lead singer (acted by me) To be alone in a forest. He then begins to try and find his way out panic a little. Every now and then we switch back to this mystery figure possibly show his back but not his face. Eventually after more singing and running etc the lead singer arrives at this person and its him. He then begins to sing the lyrics "I'm Alive!". This fits into the song perfectly. He then gets scared and runs away or leaves panicky. He then comes across himself again throughout the song. I will do this be using Adobe after effects and using a masking feature. A small test video will be uploaded demonstrating.  He then tries to admit that he might be dead but still doesn't fully agree that he is dead. Towards the end of the song he finds his way out of the forest and sees a passerby and tries to talk to him, there's no response and then he tries to grab or push the passerby and he goes through him like he's a ghost. Once again I will be using adobe after effects to do this shot. At the end of the original song the lead singer wakes up in an ambulance as he has been bitten or scratched and becomes a zombie or werewolf (you never find out). In my version we will cut to the original dead version of the lead singer that we first saw and he will move his and or open his eyes. He could also stand up and do jerky movements and I could speed it up for a horror effect.
Programs going to be used: Sony Vegas Pro 10 or 9. Adobe after Effect CS5, Possibly Photoshop CS5.

Monday, 29 November 2010

A2 Rush Subdivisions

A2 - Rush ‘Subdivisions’ School Montage from Luke Darling on Vimeo.

Task: Construct a music video that uses a montage of images that relate to the theme of school. Additionally, because the band is not available to be in the music video, clips of band performing in the original ‘Subdivisions’ music video must be used.

This task was more difficult than it seemed, as I couldn't 'hear' a montage song, but after I watched the original footage of the music video it gave me a clearer idea.  To begin we wrote down everything we could think of that reminded us of school. I had the usual things such as; desk, table, teacher, but I also had emotions such as boredom and stress. After this we were randomly choosing shot types out of a bag. We then had to write the shot type next to a related thought of school. From this we had our idea and then had to film it. We were all given a camera and had to go and film out thoughts.
Editing the footage didn't take too long as it was mainly syncing and very little effects. I tried to use a specific clip that related to the song e.g. when you see the CCTV camera the pitch drops, this is the represent the deep sounds as safety and security etc. There was lots of cutting involved which is what we were told to do for our music video.
This helped my editing skills and my syncing skills, it also helped me with using others footage and how to interpret a video.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Milli Vanilli Girl You Know its True Remake

Milli Vanilli Girl You Know its True Remake from Luke Darling on Vimeo.

The task was to recreate a Milli Vanilli music video in the next lesson. We soon learnt that this would be more difficult than we thought.
To begin we all had to story board 10 seconds of footage each, as we had to film the first 60 seconds of the original music video. After this we then had a rough idea of how we were going to film and where. We had a discussion and props and appropriate 'dress' to wear, and after that we had to film it the next lesson.
The next lesson we arranged to meet upstairs in the music block as that seemed the perfect place to film using the instruments and it was a place that looked most unlike a school. At this point we had our first problem. The music room had been double booked and we had to find another place to film. We then went to a music classroom and filmed there. The filming went well and we had a variety of shots similar to the original music video. However without a plan it all seemed a little 'relaxed' and we only filmed the first 40 seconds.
After finishing the filming our task was to edit it. The editing was going well and I finished it, then Sony Vegas decided to crash and loose my work. This was my second problem. I began to re-edit the video and it was quite easy second time round. I tried to use similar colours to the original video, e.g. using a white colour and certain points. I found the editing easy as it was primarily cuts and syncing.
This experience helped me expect the worst when filiming and expect problems and mishaps with anything.

Wednesday, 20 October 2010

My Music Video Idea

My music video idea will be a little different from the original video. The original video if the lead singer running through the forest then collapsing in a street. An ambulance picks him up then towards the end he dies but comes back alive after they discover a werewolf scratch like cut on his chest. The video ends there. I will act as the lead of the band and be in the video. I have an imagination of someone singing about them being alive but no one can hear him or see him. E.g. me sitting next to someone "singing" the song but the person not reacting. Then we could see an over shoulder shot of the person watching the news about me being missing. Something along those lines :)

Sunday, 17 October 2010

My CD Covers

Front Cover

Back Cover

Spine (written it says: The Constant       I am alive)

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Letter to Song Owner


Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to you today, to ask your permission to develop a music video using a song from the artist; Story of The Year. The reason that I would like to develop a music video using one of their songs, is because I am currently studying A-level Media and my coursework assignment is to develop a music video to a song of our choice. I am currently a student at Coopers Company and Coborn School in England.
I believe that the song I'm Alive is fantastic and would be a perfect choice for my coursework. I will re-create the music video using my own music concepts to match the original narrative.
Thank you for taking time to read my letter.
I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,
Luke Darling  

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Born Free M.I.A

MIA has currently release a music video called Born Free. Immediately it received controversy and odd reviews. It was banned from immediately from YouTube, as it was said to be far too graphic for users to view. The music video shows us examples of collective identity. After viewing the video we can see that there are two main types of collective identity. Ginger haired people and Soldiers. The ginger haired people In MIA’s video are being rounded up in a violent, threatening way. This portrays the these characters as weak and being vulnerability – they are all powerless against the life that is going on. During the mid way point of the video we see some rebellious ginger haired people throwing rocks and bricks against a bus, that's carrying more ginger haired people. The vehicle continues travelling through the town, almost as if the rebels attack goes unnoticed  – once again showing their weakness against the soldiers.  
The Soldiers in the video are represented as the most powerful characters. The soldiers clothes and actions are what emphasise this. They are extremely unnecessarily violent throughout the video. The soldiers are wearing an outfit that is suited for riot police. Geared with all black clothes. Thick black boots, bullet proof vests and helmets, also gloves. The main item they have that portrays their power is a gun. A gun emphasises their power as a gun itself is a very powerful weapon. All of the soldiers appear to be very big, tall and muscular and a strong physique. This is all part of their collective identity and tells the viewer who is in control.